Like many people, Christian Koch of KAM South in Atlanta, GA was moved and inspired by Becoming Warren Buffett, an HBO Documentary about Warren Buffett’s life story and investment philosophy which made him America’s most successful stock picker.
Koch’s response to this documentary was realizing how important it would be to pass along Buffett’s core message, about buying and holding undervalued stocks, to his clients and other retirees.
Christian Koch has managed the $76 Million Investment Advisory Firm KAMSouth for 5-years, with an investment strategy based on Buffett’s philosophy and strategies.
Koch, an Atlanta-based portfolio manager, identified with the documentary in another way, too: Koch takes particular pride in researching and finding unsung or unnoticed companies.
“When I think about our investment process, there’s a parallel,” Koch says. “We look for out-of-favor sectors and beaten-up companies that have a clear economic moat around their business.”
After watching the HBO documentary Koch said, “This film illustrates the importance of having an Internal Score Card in the investment business.”
Buffet has himself said, “The big question about how people behave is whether they’ve got an Inner Scorecard or an Outer Scorecard. It helps if you can be satisfied with an Inner Scorecard. I always pose it this way… ‘If the world couldn’t see your results, would you rather be thought of as the world’s greatest investor, but in realty have the world’s worst record? Or be thought of as the world’s worst investor when you were actually the best?'”
Visit the HBO site for Becoming Warren Buffett
View the Film Trailer for Becoming Warren Buffett
Questions about Investing?
Call Christian Koch, CFP®, CPWA®, CDFA™ at KAM South in Atlanta, GA today (404) 843-3745